Hanna Hill Creative

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The Hann Family

The Hann Family | Hanna Hill Photography

This Summer has been crazy for so many reasons and it's felt like maybe a week long at most.  We are presently in the middle of packing up all our things to move in two weeks and I'm doing my best staying on top of everything else in my life. Along with sessions and running my business full time I've added mentorship to my list. It's been an awesome summer of growing up other women in the art of photography. For some it was to help jump start their own small photography business and others just to teach them how to understand their camera more. 

A part of that mentorship was setting up a real session or two just to get behind the camera and show how I like to run my sessions and walk through how to adjust your camera while in a real session. This session was captured with my great friend Lyn of her long time friends the Hann family. It was laid back, fun and centered around capturing the sweet connections of Mom, Dad and their little boy. I loved getting to meet this fun family and just wanted to share some of the shots captured during our mentorship session. 

If you have any questions about photography mentorship I would love to talk, so feel free to email me  here or if you just want to get your family session in before the end of the Season I have a few more slots open and would love to meet your Family this Summer! Also stay tuned for Fall Mini Session dates because I will be back in both October and November to Check in with and photograph my awesome families.