Hanna Hill Creative

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The Motherhood Project: Part Two

The Year in the Life of Motherhood: Part 2

26 Weeks - 30 Weeks

If you are just tuning into this Project, I encourage you to start off with Part One. But for those who have been following along, I'm excited to share some of my favorite photos of all time. After L and I started planning and processing this project I think we both realized the beauty in curating some of the sessions while also capturing the day in the life moments that we often forget. So in the end we moved forward with a balance of documentary style and more creatively composed. With each stage of pregnancy we wanted to capture something significant to that season.

Looking through them now, its powerful how, with each week baby grew he/she became even more of a focal point of our sessions. Where may have started with L and her mother bear strength and tenderness , this growing belly and baby started to eclipse all else in the.  Seeing L carry life and grow her tiny human was easily the most unique part of each session. When she is holding her sons, that baby belly is there and when she is laughing with her husband, that baby belly is there. It's a beautiful truth and constant through this series so far. 

26 Weeks

Her 26 weeks moved us into the really getting to know this baby season. I asked her if i could tag along on her prenatal exam at Women's Birth and Wellness Center. She got her belly measured and we listened to heart tones. It was special to capture this simple part of every pregnancy. The exams leading up to baby are usually forgotten about, but that anticipation and joy is such a beautiful thing to remember. 

30 Weeks

This may be by far my favorite session of all time. We took the family out for a Mother's Day Picnic at the Lake. This for us was just a way to give her beautiful photos of her family, living and loving life before this little one arrives. L bravely wore a bikini and looked like a goddess of the Lake carrying that 30 week belly and splashing with the family.  I learned so much about the family this day. Mostly that L is so loved by the boys/man in her life. They see her strength and joy and they find so much comfort in that.