Hanna Hill Creative

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2018 A Year In Review: Part 2

2018 A year in Review

Part 2

The Year of Commitment

I am not a disciplined person. If you spent a minute to read Part One of this year’s review you’d see I barely scraped by with New year goals for 2018. It’s honestly never even been a goal of mine (to be more disciplined) but here I sit in 2019 and I really need it. Now the word discipline sounds awful to me, very restricting and suffocating so I’m going with Commitment. I’ve let creativity and honesty be my greatest characteristics for so long and while I love those parts about me, it’s starting to feel like I’m not super involved in my happiness. Because I don’t push myself to stay on track or finish a goal, I’m really just letting my days pass by. I want to be more committed this year to more than just my business and husband because i have the capacity for more. I want to fully commit 2019 to achieving personal goals, lifestyle changes and ambitions. I want to feel successful, this time next year and like some or even all of the intentions below were really invested in.

I want to be active and exercise everyday.

I want to eat better and learn more about what my body can handle and can’t.

I want to limit the amount of time I spend watching tv and comparing myself to others on the internet.

I want to be way more selfless to my partner ( like i want to be one of those wives everyone thinks loves their husband TOO much and does TOO much for his arrogant ass) Because that’s not at all me and probably wont ever be but I want to give it a try :P

I want to photograph more and more births, and meet more women who just understand that birth and art can truly be melded together and that it’s worth it to invest in your moments.

I want to meet more people and like more people unconditionally.

I want to learn how to love myself too and be proud of where I am.

I want to get back into my painting, drawing and journaling. That used to be my way of finding peace, calming anxiety and expressing my heart but now a days I just pour a glass of wine and watch the Office and hope the anxiety will go away.

I want to not sleep in so much (even though I love it) a successful person gets up early and I want a little more feeling of that success.

These aren’t really my “goals” per say because I really can’t take another year of feeling like I achieved no personal goals. But they are my ambitions for this coming year and I am speaking it into existence right now that I will be a more committed person. It doesn’t happen overnight and I’m trying to be more gracious about that but I’m also trying to look at the word committed and discipline not as a sentencing to a boring life but to a better and happier life because I’m putting more into it rather than letting it happen to me.

2018 was a happy year. I got to photograph so many stories that have shaped me for the better. My business grew from a little transplanted seedling to a full on garden that is still growing. I traveled and saw elephants, lions, leopards and all the other African animals so many may never see. I created a project I’m so proud of called The Motherhood Project that allowed me to get creative and learn so much more about womanhood and motherhood; thank you Lindsay for making this past year and project so amazing. So please do not misunderstand my goals for 2019, they are coming from a place of wanting to just be committed to the changes I want to see and opening myself to have the capacity to really experience more.

Thank you to all my people and I look forward to another year creating! If you’ve chosen a name for 2019 I would love to hear it so please leave it in the comments!

And of course this collection of images below are my favorites(atleast part two of my favorites), they are full of the raw and powerful quality I want my work to express. There is nudity and there is blood in some of my work, yes, but I think there is so much power and beauty in our bodies and I just couldn’t censor my favorites. All photos have been approved and released by the client for sharing.