The Collins Family

Collins Family: In Home Documentary Series

So this series has been long in the making. I've known Ali and Alec for almost 10 years now and have been by there side with my camera for each milestone, their engagement, wedding, and the births of their two daughters. They are strong and persevering even when so many things seem to stack up against them.

In order to preface this series I need to tell you the story of Ali,Alec, Moseley and Tempest. I can tell you facts, like Ali and Alec have been married for 5 years, Moseley is 4 and Tempest is almost 1 and Moseley was diagnosed with Rett syndrome about a year after she was born (and then re-diagnosed with Fox G1 Two years ago, about the time this series was written). But if I really want people to hear this story I knew it couldn't come from me so instead it comes straight from Ali and I think its just an incredible picture of strength and perseverance.

To my past self…

Life is rough and surprises you. So my advice is to hold on to Jesus, hold on to your husband, don't listen to the enemy and just get out of bed and love your family.


To the families out there with children with special needs…

When you're crying because you can't fill out your baby book at the normal development stages.

When it’s pouring down rain and you can't break down the wheelchair.

When you've been on the phone for five hours with the insurance company and they still won't pay for the equipment you need

I want you to know you're not alone somewhere,  some other special needs parent is cussing loudly over the bad saxophone covers of soft rock songs they play, while all we can do is wait.

 To the neighbor who called my daughter a ‘retard’ and then called me ‘too PC'…

I can't change the way you think, I can only try and educate so be careful and considerate and you suck.

 To the people who are constantly telling me they are praying for me…

Thank you but my god I do not need your pity. I'm a kick ass mother to a kick ass little girl who's in a real crap situation. So maybe next time remember It's not always the best thing to say. This is where god has me. And I'm learning to love well and fight fiercely for a child who can’t speak for herself.  

The Collins Family : In Home Documentary Session | Hannahill Photography | Ocala, FL

 To the therapists and aids who work with my daughter weekly...

What to say to you? You're my dream team.

Thank you for the honesty, thank you for acknowledging the fact that I'm extremely exhausted and this is not easy.

Thank you for teaching my Moseley as slow and unrewarding as it is y'all are unrelenting in you pursuit. Thank you for hugging me and telling me I'm doing a great job on those days Moe's shoes don't match and my face is tear stained from three day old makeup and baby food.

Thank you a thousand times thank you. 

 To the lady at the grocery store…

 Both of my children are adorable not just the one that makes eye contact with you. 

 To the waiter at the restaurant…

I appreciate you saying sweet things to my Tempest but my child you decide to walk wide circles around and stare at can feel that you think she isn't worth saying sweet things to. Notice both or none. 

 To the photographer who is uncomfortable taking photos of my family…

 I know it will be a challenge but I’m not asking you to give me a typical family session and miraculously change my daughter into an average 4 year old. I guess I just need someone with real talent who can capture the beauty in disability and see that my family is just as beautiful as any other family you will take pictures of. 

 To the people who keep asking me how I am, because they think I look exhausted…

 IM EXHAUSTED!!! That's why I look like crap. Maybe ask instead, can I hold your kid so I can sit on the couch without a thrashing human in your arms. Or maybe try saying something encouraging like, “hey you're doing a great job even though I know you're tired.” Or just lie and say "dang girl you look good. I love your hair"

 To families in the world with “normal children”...

Don't ever be afraid to tell me the amazing things your child does. I want to rejoice in your family too. Please don't tip toe around me and be afraid to ask me questions or keep you child from mine. 

To my future self…

 You did the best you could and that was truly amazing. No one could be a better mother to your children then you. The past is in the past. Time to let it go. 


A little Update since this series was made in 2016…

They were pregnant with their third baby throughout this series!

They welcomed little Asher Newton Albus Collins on May 4th of 2017

and of course I went back down to photograph him as well!

Moe was rediagnosed about 2 years ago from Rett syndrome to an even more rare diagnosis of Fox G1

Only 350 recorded cases of Fox G1 in the world, so our girl is definitely a rare one!

Moseley can no longer eat through her mouth so she has what is called a G-tube that puts nutrition and water straight into her body through a port in her abdomen.

This family is full of so much love, warmth, humor and strength.

I asked Ali to write up a little update on each of there sweet family and will share those below

Update on Moseley, Age 6

“Moe is not much of a sleeper, she sleeps about 4 hours a night. She started having seizures and breathing problems this past year. And while she is not usually “happy” on the days that she is, we all celebrate with her. Everyday we have with her is a blessing and every birthday is a huge milestone for our family”

Update on Tempest, Age 2

“Tempest is growing so fast and is starting to notice the difference between Moe and her. She kisses and cuddles her sissy every night and is so excited when she gets home from school.”

Update on Asher, Age 1

“Ash loves his sister, he loves to lay next to her and head butt her. We’re trying to change that but it seems to be how he expresses love.”

Collins Family Documentary Series | Hanna Hill Photography | Raleigh Durham Family Photographer

Update on Alec,

“Alec is in love with Moe and spends most nights playing video games with her on his lap. He calls her his mouse. And they have their own language that I can’t even begin to understand”

Update on Ali,

“I’m overwhelmed.

In bad ways and good.

I’m overwhelmed by the doctors and the treatments and the endless nights that I never sleep.

I’m overwhelmed by the pain of watching her lose abilities we fought so hard to gain in the first place.

I’m overwhelmed by the pain she goes through.

But mostly I’m completely and underly overwhelmed by the bravery she shows.

The way she loves in her quiet way that just takes me over.

I get overwhelmed when she looks at me and smiles just for me and I know how precious her life is.

How wonderful it is that she is mine for this time. She’s my love. One of my true loves. but loving her is so overwhelming. My heart soars and sinks daily.”

Lastly, a poem written by Ali Collins

Raising her is Beautiful

Raising her is tears of all different shapes

Raising her is beautiful

Raising her is screams that bend you in half

Raising her is beautiful

Raising her is weariness incarnate

Raising her is beautiful

Raising her is back breaking

Raising her is beautiful

Raising her is grief inconsolable

Raising her is beautiful

And She is beautiful

If you want to learn more about Moe, support her and Ali or just love on their family,

Please check out the links below and follow along on her journey!

Hanna Hill

Award-winning Durham, England, UK Birth and Family Photographer capturing lifestyle images of parenthood and documentary birth photojournalism.

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