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First Time Parent Baby Registry

15 Must-haves to include on your Baby Gift Registry for New Parents

My all time favorite things from birth to 6 months

Bringing home baby is such a crazy magical time. That moment you get to leave the hospital and walk through your front door for the very first time holding a newborn is indescribable.

But for first time parents it’s also a really scary moment because your brain is screaming, “is this normal, am I ready for this? And how did they just hand me a baby?” You are praying you have everything you’ll need and that most of all you are cut out to be a parent in the first place.

    When I was working on my baby registry when I was pregnant, I was actually really consumed with the dichotomy of “being prepared” and trusting my mother intuition. So, for me, that meant a lot of aesthetic nesting, birth and postpartum care, and trusting general research about what to put on my baby gift registry. Honestly, I don’t think we did too bad but like most first parents we 100% spent a bunch on last-minute Amazon orders in the middle of the night in survival mode.

    The one thing I wish I could have put on my baby registry though was a wise woman guide who was on my same wavelength as a new mom. Someone with my same vision for parenting and healing as a mother after birth.

So, I thought I’d share my very honest must-have list about becoming a new mom.

The things that saved us, the things that we relied on and the things I just loved. I also wanted to share the things that helped in my postpartum processing and healing. I think it’s very true that each new parent goes through hard and easy seasons during that newborn time. One mom might struggle with birth trauma while another can’t get their little one to sleep more than 30 minutes at a time. One mom may be trying everything to produce enough milk for breastfeeding and another is wrestling with postpartum depression. So while I want to share those things that worked for us, I want to open it up to you. I want to hear about the things that healed you or saved your butt in the newborn season. Leave your ideas in the comments or private message me so I can hopefully share another registry from suggestions from you!

    We personally went through (are still going through) birth trauma, delayed and unique nursing due to a NICU stay, postpartum anxiety and moodiness, sever colic and acid reflux, sleep regression, and that’s all just the first 6 months :P We also went through all the “normal” parenthood struggles like which diapers worked best and what helps create a good sleep “routine.” We also wrestled with budget, and the questions of what was worth the price tag, what was better to ask from friends and family as gifts and what was not worth it at all (because we definitely made those mistakes too). We tried to be pretty minimalist but, in the end, probably would recommend investing in the right things over limiting what you may or may not need because like I said, we were up at 1 am ordering stuff on Amazon in a pinch for several months.


So here is my list.

Here is my mother wisdom for a new mom trying to plan a registry.

For a new mom who wants to be prepared for healing no matter how her birth goes.

For a new mom who wants to invest in the usable things without cluttering up her home too soon.


The Baby Basics

The Baby basics are called the “basics” for a reason and are on everyone’s list because let’s be honest you really do need these. But since they are sort of a no brainer I thought I’d include them all in this first one so we didn’t fill up the list with what you probably already know.

a. Onesies

  I love color and found white onesies to be the easiest to stain over time so my advice is to invest in soft fabrics with quality and variety rather than getting too many. Because they grow so fast!

b. Burp Cloths

We seriously forgot these on our own list and had maybe 2 when we came home from the hospital. So this was one of our quick buys but we loved the Burt’s Bee’s ones best from Amazon. Also, be sure to get more of these than you think because they get dirty even faster than onesies!

c. Pajama Sleepers

Those footie pajamas with the zipper are a game-changer. The button ones are cute but at 3 am can really be a make or break moment. I personally like the zippers that start at the bottom but some moms swear by the top-down zippers.


The Mamma Basics

Let’s be honest sometimes the last thing we think about is what we need postpartum. I honestly had NOTHING when I brought Jude home. I sent my mom out to target to get me the basic survival things and so thankful she did because she knew way better than me what I’d need.

a. Don't forget Boobie care!

Boobs take a really tough hit during those first months second to only the vagina! So treat them with care and don’t forget to get these few things before the big day arrives. Because the second your milk comes in, you’ll need these, if not sooner!

  1. Organic cotton Breast Pads

    Get the washable kind, they are so much softer!

  2. Nipple Balm

    This stuff worked wonders!

  3. Comfy nursing bras that feel like a t-shirt

    Kindred Bravely bras

b. Don’t Forget Body care in Pregnancy and Postpartum

  1. Belly Band

    For those long days of sore body in Pregnancy.

  2. High Waisted Panties

    Soft an comfy is what you should look for!

  3. Reusable Pads or Thinx Panties

    Avoid a yeast infection and just go reusable!

After my C-section there was nothing worse than underwear that felt tight right around my scar. So if you don’t have some comfy high waisted granny panties, live into for this sweet season! You can only wear those mesh under pants for so long. I love the Auden brand from Target these comfy ones from Amazon even 10 months in!

Reusable pads sound odd but seriously avoid the yeast infections and get yourself stuff you can wash whether than doing the scented pads. If you didn’t already know, you actually still bleed for a while after baby comes EVEN after a C-section. So I ended up really needing to switch to something less intrusive after a couple weeks of wearing mesh underwear and disposable pads. I wish I had gotten that thinx underwear but these reusable pads are favorites of mine all year round!



   You obviously need them! I’ve heard incredible things about cloth diapering but we, unfortunately, didn’t make the investment beforehand so ended up working with disposable. So my tip for that is put cloth diapers on your registry, starter packs, and small sets so people can help you build up your stock before baby even gets here.

Now if you do decide to go with disposable diapers like us then these are the brands I stand by.

Honest diapers were our FAVORITE and we tried a lot of diapers. For wipes, we love the Pamper’s pure, softest ones by far and great for sensitive skin. We also had a wipe warmer but I’m not putting that on the list because while it was nice and luxurious in those newborn nights it really never made THAT much of a difference for us, so definitely a skip


Munchkin Step Diaper Pail

  We love this one. Keeps the smell of diapers to a minimum and holds a lot. Definitely a must-have if you are going disposable.


Breastfeeding Support

Get yourself breastfeeding support! Don’t be like me and just assume everything will work out easy, because that just isn’t always the case. Breastfeeding can be so hard, no matter who you are! It was an uphill journey for me so I just want to share what I did, what worked for me and with no shame because some of my choices carry some “controversial” weight. And I hope this can free just one mom out there from that pressure for it to all go easy and smooth. It’s ok to ask for help and it’s ok to use modern inventions to help you along the way!

a. Get Yourself a Breast Pump!

Did you know you can get one for free through insurance? I personally had to use the hospital grade Medela due to Jude being delayed on nursing, his size and NICU stay. Then when I got home my Spectra was just not at the level, I needed to get my milk going so I rented it for a couple more weeks, which anyone can do at our local birth center, Women’s Birth and Wellness Center. After the first couple months when my milk leveled out, then my Spectra worked perfect. So I recommend both of those but seriously just get one, because even if you plan to EBF (exclusively breast feed) you really never know when you may need it!

b.Try the Haaka!

This thing is sort of magic, if you see breastmilk like gold then you definitely don’t want to miss catching all the glorious milk that drips while nursing on the other side. This baby actually helped ease engorgement and catch excess milk for me. I even hand expressed with it on our road trip so i could easily give Jude a few quick ounces without having to pull over to nurse.

c.See a Lactation Consultant

This isnt really a gift registry thing but seriously I think it needs to be said. If you are struggling AT ALL for any reason connect with a IBCLC. And definitely do it before you are ready to give up! I loved working with the consultants at the Women’s Birth and Wellness Center!

d. It's ok if you need a Nipple Shield!

A little louder for the mammas in the back! I struggled with shame for this myself, I thought if I couldn’t just breastfeed at the nipple then something was faulty with me. But due to the support of so many smart women around me and seeking the advice of a lactation consultant, I was able to accept that some momma’s need it. We needed it for Jude’s first 3 months and in the end was still able to transition to nipple nursing.

A few thoughts on the Nipple Shield

Nipple shields are a useful modern invention!

Some nipples are shaped in a way that make latching hard, they can be flat or even inverted. Some babies are born with low jaw strength and tongue ties. Just know you aren’t faulty if the pain and chaffing on your nipples is unbearable and you think trying the nipple shield could help!

Now the problems with nipple shields that we ran into were that there was lots more air and gas getting into baby’s belly and they are annoying as crap to get on/ stay on because they rely on suction that stops staying on as soon as milk is flowing. So you really have to commit and eventually like us you may just give up and do everything you can to get baby to switch off it.


Baby Wearing Wraps

  100% get yourself a baby wrap! We actually loved 3 different kinds for different steps along the way. We started with the Moby Wrap and for his little newborn size it was perfect to have the tighter more lightweight wrap. Then we moved up to the Boba Wrap that was a bit stretchier and that was great for 2-5 months & now we use the Wild Bird Sling for the occasional babywearing need because it goes up to a lot heavier weight and takes a lot less time to wrap.

Bonus Thoughts on the Ergo!

    We also have the Ergo but if you are going to get one of these be sure to get the 365, we got a used one of the older version and it’s not worth it. He can’t face out so even though we use it for hikes and more intense activity, Jude has felt really claustrophobic in it as he has gotten older.


Mammaroo Rocker

Rockers are one of those things that work for some babies and not for others but seriously if you can get one of these, it saved our lives! We ended up getting a gently used one from a Children’s consignment sale, so be on the lookout because for us it was the only way Jude slept for months. I’m keeping this puppy for all future babies and will likely find a way to have it sent to me in England if the need arises :P


Copper Pearl Swaddle

We love these swaddles! Seriously the biggest waste for us was muslin swaddles, they are beautiful but never stay tight. These close-knit stretch swaddles can get really tight and kept Jude asleep so much longer in those early weeks/months. We actually had him swaddled until 6 months because he just LOVED it and could sleep so much more. The transition off them was brutal but we eventually managed :P
[photo below by Melissa Ware Photography of me and Jude in his favorite swaddle]


Wubanub Paci & Clips

  Pacifiers are another potentially hot topic, you may be trying to decide whether or when to use them. Well if you do decide to use them or like us the decision gets made for you in the hospital or NICU then I 100% recommend the Wubanub brand. Jude loves being able to hold the little lovey animal and has gotten pretty attached to his little giraffe (Gerald), elephant(Ellsworth) and monkey(Milton). ALSO don’t forget the great teether clips, those things are lifesavers once baby starts moving!


   Montessori Wooden Floor Mobile

There are a lot of great mobiles out there and we were lucky enough to be gifted this beautiful Montessori one that grows with baby as he develops. But seriously having a place to lay baby that will keep them occupied for 10-40 minutes is so good! So get yourself a mobile and baby mat. You’ll use it sooner than you think!


Kate Quinn Baby Clothes

I just have to mention these because they have never disappointed. These are the softest organic clothes on the market and have great sales pretty often. I’ve gotten their onesies, pajamas, slippers and bonnets! But the most can’t live without item was their socks! Those were literally the best socks I found, they actually stayed on his feet all day and came in lots of colors!


Skip Hop Explore Activity Table

   We love this! Going on 5 months of use and still going strong. It can be bulky but we honestly never travel without it because it’s just the easiest way to keep him self entertained when needed. We love to bring it into the kitchen for him to play while we cook or on the porch so we can get a little work done.

Now these last three are services that I recommend because YES you can add these to your registry. Baby gifts really should not just be a bunch of stuff and for my next baby I’m honestly going to only have these 3 things on the list


Hire a Postpartum Doula

    Now I personally had a birth doula who still visited and loved on me postpartum but seriously next time I’m saving up for a postpartum doula too. They can serve you in so many different ways and meet your needs as they arise. They even can do night doula-ing where they come and stay with your baby all night so you can get caught up on rest! Seriously in those first days that can be the difference between health and insanity! I have so many favorite local doula’s who offer postpartum care so reach out for a more extensive list, but here are just a couple!

Shout out to my amazing doula, Johanna Wright with,

Loving Hands Doula Care

And this awesome local team of Doulas that serve Durham and surrounding areas,

Emerald Doulas


Placenta Encapsulation

  I know, seems crazy! But seriously I am a believer. I was hesitant myself and sort of decided to do it in the moment at the hospital when I realized my postpartum recovery was going to be a lot harder than I thought.

My perspective was, it can’t hurt and I’m not doing anything else with my placenta.

And I’m so thankful my doula helped me get it together because those pills and tinctures were a huge part in getting me through postpartum stress, depression, and anxiety. I started with 3 pills a day and then transitioned to the occasional tincture in a morning smoothie. Seriously the energy and mood stability those gave me, changed everything about my healing and perspective postpartum. If you are on the fence, just try it, I think you’ll be convinced too!

I worked with Andrea from Restoring Balance but again there are so many great birth keepers doing this in our area so reach out for a more extensive list!


Birth or Newborn Photography

Last but of course not least! You can always add birth or newborn photography to your registry.

I think so many families forget to include this on their registry and assume they either can’t afford it or is an afterthought baby thing to think about. I am obviously a big believer in having these moments and memories being captured. But for me birth photography is even more than that.

Seeing my birth story in all its hard, scary and beautiful entirety was so important for healing, processing and accepting the trauma and celebration of Jude’s birth. I was able to regain power just by seeing how strong, resilient and courageous I was even when everything I planned and hoped for fell to pieces. And now I still get to look back and appreciate those moments because I have them in photographs. I get to have a beautiful way to retell Jude his story for years to come. I don’t have to wonder why things happened or even what because I can find peace in the story my images tell.

Adding your Newborn Photography is also a must

    I think most families want some sort of photography when welcoming a new baby into their family, so why not put this on your registry so someone can help you afford your favorite photographer! I usually book newborn sessions from 12-20 weeks so it’s a great early gift for baby showers and registries. You can also do more of “fund me” option so you can use that amount to hire the photographer you really want, rather than someone choosing for you!