Hanna Hill Creative

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St Louis, MO

Transitioning to a new city and new life has never been that easy for me. I love adventure and new things but at my core I also love the idea of staying just a little comfortable in my home base. My husband is not like that, he moved around a ton as a child and finds more comfort in making friends with strangers than sitting on the couch doing nothing (one of my favorite past times). But moving to Kansas City none the less meant moving closer to his siblings who all are based in the Kansas City or St Louis. I thought this would make me feel a little isolated, wishing we were closer to my family and my comfort zone but thankfully the Destigter siblings are slowly but surely welcoming me in, in such away that they have become my comfort zone. I'm so thankful for these great inlaws who without taking a second accepted me into their family, trust me with their kids and let me be that annoying auntie with the camera. Taking pictures of their kids is sometimes just what i need to boost my energy in this business and practice my ever changing style. All of that to say here are some lifestyle shots I took this past weekend, full of nieces, our one little nephew, the new puppy and some housewarming love.