Hanna Hill Creative

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The Birth of Jonas | First Time Mom's UNC Hospital Birth

First Time Parents Welcome their Baby Boy

A Fast Induction at UNC Women’s Labor & Delivery

Well, this sweet blog has been a couple of years coming but I thought it would be a perfect one to share today! Because today officially I am allowed back into the Hospital Birth rooms! I have finished my doula certification and I’m so excited because that means I can attend hospital births again. Now, not only will I be bringing my photography skills into the room but also my birth keeping and space holding skills! If you asked me last year if I was planning to certify as a doula, you’d probably get a groan and maybe a “one day” but due to COVID and hospital restrictions, my timeline had to move up a little faster. I feel so ecstatic to be able to get back to what I love and continue serving mothers at all birthing locations in our community, as not just their photographer and friend but also as their doula!

This sweet story is one of my favorites. Mostly because it is such an example of how ALL BIRTH can be powerful. This awesome first-time momma(K) had an unexpected induction, chose an epidural, and still ROCKED her moment of birth in a matter of minutes.

The days leading up to Jonas’ birth were truly a whirlwind for me. In a matter of 3 days, I attended 3 births at 3 different locations, this beautiful story was the first. So K texted me around 10 pm and said they were starting an induction due to high blood pressure. She seemed calm and ready even when the birth gods had thrown her a bit of a curveball. She got admitted and I headed to bed in case things progressed quickly that night. (now just a little extra to the story, I had also been alerted that my other birth momma was heading to the birth center with broken waters but no contractions) So that night I tried to sleep but honestly when you are on call and there could be birth overlap, you really just don’t sleep or you toss and turn for hours :P but eventually, I did and surprisingly no one called all night. Around 6 am I got the text from K that she was 4 cm and definitely had progressed through the night with the Pitocin. By 7:30 am things were progressed enough that she decided on an epidural to help because the contractions had gotten really intense quickly.

I waited and waited…

At almost 10 am I got the most epic text, “ They say he’s coming, lol” I flew out the door to come and be by their side. Thankfully UNC hospital is only about 20 minutes from me and things were a lot faster back in the day (2018) to check-in. So I raced in and made it just in time for her to start pushing.

Seriously, this momma was such an all-star pusher! Most mom’s when they are first-timers and on an epidural, struggle to feel the pressure and push effectively. They do several practice pushes and things can even take up to 1-3 hours of consistent pushing. But not this momma! While laughing and joking in between each push I swear she birthed her baby boy in under 30 minutes from the moment I walked in!

It was beautiful and epic and so gloriously joyful!

We all got to witness the beautiful birth of baby Jonas and the aura of love that surrounded K and her new little family of 3. The hours after his arrival were just such a sweet “getting to know” Jonas time and truly the ideal golden hours post-birth. I headed home with my heart full just to get the call that my second momma was transferring and about to start her own induction!

It was a crazy weekend and I barely slept! But I would not have my birth work-life any other way!