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The Story of Olive Part Two | Durham Birth Photographer

The Birth Story of Olive

First-time parents, Sasha & Adam, navigate the fast birth of their little one at UNC hospital assisted by the Women’s Birth and Wellness Midwives

Well this birth is one for the history books! So much love and support between this beautiful couple and I am so lucky to have made it just in time. It truly goes to show how unpredictable birth really is, you really can be a first time mom with a precipitous early and an out of nowhere birth! Belinda is such a rock and this experience was such a beautiful picture of what the Women’s Birth and Wellness midwives provide to their clients. They offer of course the birth center but also the unwavering support for moms who have to transfer care to the UNC hospital. Belinda kept the birth space calm and mother-centered, catching baby Olive all alone without the chaos of a normal hospital delivery. But who better to tell this story than Sasha and Adam themselves?

It was a normal day at work for both of us. We both had lunch plans with friends and when we arrived at lunch, Adam's team had put together a surprise baby shower for us. Complete with gifts and the best vegan cupcakes. There were a few jokes made at the shower that the cupcakes might put me into early labor. We took the leftover cupcakes home with us and Adam packed and began preparing his camper for his guys trip about 5hrs away.

    We were making dinner around 8pm. I was cooking when I had a slight feeling that I had peed my pants. I got cleaned up and we sat down to eat and watch wheel of fortune thinking that was strange. Then I started to have contractions. I thought I was in false labor but after a call to my bff she convinced me to call the Birthing Center. After talking to the nurse we decided to make the 45 min drive to get checked out. Not packing much except the car seat and a t-shirt assuming we were coming back home as a family of two still. All the original plans we had made didn't matter.

We got to the birth center. I was already 3cm dilated so there was no going back home! Adam texted some of our friends and family to let them know this baby was coming 3 weeks early. We got to the hospital with our Midwife Belinda and began the process of checking in. We decided to text Hanna soon after but we honestly had no idea how fast things were moving.

Adam had texted Hanna that we were checking into the hospital and 3cm but things moved so fast after that. Here is the text exchange :P 

Hanna- 10:56pm

“ Hey Adam, this is Hanna. Just got your texts. Keep me posted as you get settled into the hospital room. I usually like to come around active labor or 5-6cm. So please just keep me updated as things progress. Are there any complications or just simply that things are happening early?”


“Happening Early. She is ok.

Hanna- 11:03

“Great I’ll probably try and get some sleep but feel free to text or call with any updates. Congrats guys :) Super excited for you!”

Adam- 11:47pm

“Belinda the midwife thinks you should come now.”

Hanna- 11:48pm

“Ok I’m getting shoes on, will text when I’m in the car on my way.

Has she progressed further?”


“Midwife says yes and is in strong active labor”

Hannah- 11:50pm

“I’m in the car on my way”

Hanna made it just in time because Olive was born at 1:54am! Only 5 and half hours of labor from watching wheel of fortune and thinking I peed myself to baby in my arms.

It was not even long enough for us to really realize what was happening.

  My reflection on labor is that I remember the pressure of pushing. And becoming aware that all the moments we learned about over the past few months in birth classes and midwife meetings were actually happening right now.  I remember Adam being extremely calm and happy. Like always he knew exactly what I needed. He was so supportive and kept me comfortable and smiling! Every moment was just so beautiful.

   Adam remembers snapping into "leader" mode. The narrative was quickly changing from the story we had planned, (a birth center birth at Women’s Birth and Wellness) and he could tell that was hard for me. He did his best to be supportive. Adam said,

“ I didn't think I could be more in love with her than I already was, but that experience took it to a whole new level. She was so strong and courageous - I am so proud of her.”

We will never forget the moment Olive arrived! The exact moment when Belinda, our midwife, placed Olive on my chest was the most surreal. She was so warm and squishy. Adam says I told her “Hi” a million times. Adam remembered feeling this overwhelming sense of joy and relief come over him. He looked up towards the ceiling to thank God, with tears in my eyes. Hanna actually caught this in a picture.

Looking back on our birth story we laugh. We made a plan and God laughed and gave us a completely different but beautiful experience. I am very aware how blessed we are to have that be our story. She was 3 weeks and 3 days early so we did not get to have our birthing center experience. But our midwife came to the hospital with us and made it such a calm space. I am also thankful that Adam was home and not away! Ha. But she was fully grown and healthy and ready to be out in the world with us. Adam and I were a team, like always.

   We loved our team! Hanna our photographer and Summer our Nurse. The crazy thing was, the one midwife we had not yet met at the birthing center during our checkups was Belinda - and she ended up being our midwife for the delivery. She is exactly what we needed. Calm, confident, and a total bad ass. We would recommend her over and over again.

  Our only advice for new/expecting parents would be, Both mom and dad have to put all agendas, normalcy, and expectations aside. Former descriptions of each role go out the window. If you see a need, just fulfill it. Rest is so important for mom and baby so guys - do whatever you need to do to make that happen for them. You may not have routine for months, just be present and enjoy the cuddles because before you know it they are running around.