Lindsey Eden Photography

Scope of Work: Squarespace Web Design, Social Media, & Marketing Support


“Hanna has taken my business to the next level with her thoughtful organization, genuine connection, and authentic creativity. I feel as though we 'speak the same language' and am always blown away with what she is able to create for me and my business. Investing in her expertise has been the best decision I have made for my career. And if you are looking for help with your website - you have found that and more in Hanna. She was able to efficiently and authentically take my website from good to extraordinary. What would have taken me years, took her weeks and I have never been more proud to share my website with the world. She took the time to deeply connect with my brand and to highlight what makes it unique. Up your game today and hire Hanna!”

What was your impression of your overall experience?

“Outstanding. I honestly don't know how you do it all. I love receiving the scheduled posts - it's literally like Christmas morning - opening up the document and seeing what images spoke to you, what words you put to them, and how you are able to connect so authentically to my brand. You created a site I could only have dreamed of and I am so excited for the world to see it. "

What was your favorite part of working together?

You are so organized and efficient. I am also grateful for your patience with me.

What made you say YES to hiring Hanna Hill Creative

“Originally, talking with Danielle W[of wildoak birth] during one of our retreats about how on top of it she was for posting on IG while at the retreat. She said she didn't (that you did!) and the freedom and joy she exuded that her IG was working without her having to do it was all I needed to contact you the second I got home. The idea of posting debilitates me and I would waste hours upon hours trying to either develop content or select an image or both. To think about hiring someone else to do that for me felt like a huge weight lifted from my shoulders.

Regarding the website redesign: I was honestly a little worried ONLY because the most common comment I have gotten was that people *loved* my site. I was worried it was a "don't fix it if it isn't broken" situation and that it wasn't a useful way to spend my money. Note: my concern was never in the fact that you wouldn't make something awesome. I was blown away with the work you did for Olivia LaGasse [of Precious 3 Birth Services] and I would have to say that is what confirmed me pulling the trigger. I had already hired you for my redesign when I saw the work you did for BBY - but knowing what I know about the behind the scenes of that website, you managed to blow me away once again, affirming my decision yet again. I shifted my own narrative to "taking it to the next level of awesome" and that is exactly what you did.”

“Honestly, I have spoken so highly of you to so many people. There aren't enough kind words for the weight off my shoulders you have provided. I always felt like I was failing because marketing (social media, blogging, newsletters, etc.) was *always* on my to-do list and *always* bumped to the bottom, never being completed. Overcome with the weight of indecision, imposter syndrome, utter caution for my clients privacy and so much more prevented me from doing any of it. You have beautifully taken over that responsibility for me, but yet, in my voice. That is a true talent that I hope you can see in yourself. I think that EVERYONE should work with you and I won't stop sharing that love ever.”

What we’ve done together…

Lindsey and I began collaborating on her social media in early 2023. Like many of my birth photography clients, she was just starting to explore outsourcing and was looking for someone within our industry to help carry some of the weight of marketing and maintain consistency on social media. Three months into our initial six-month partnership, Lindsey expressed concerns about her calendar. In response, we devised a more holistic plan that not only enhanced her social media presence but also incorporated regular blogging to improve her Google searchability.

This strategic shift proved to be incredible, and by the end of the first six months, her calendar was back to normal. We then decided to continue our partnership by planning a website redesign and taking over email marketing to transform our 2024, all while keeping a consistent and authentic presence on her blog and social media. We're looking forward to an amazing year ahead with more exciting surprises and have found a kindred connection in working together. We truly speak the same language, and I feel such ease writing for her and designing for her because I believe in her talents. You can read it in her testimonials, Lindsey has loved working together, but my favorite part has been witnessing her dive deeper into the creative and soul-sensitive aspects of her work, liberated from the burden of marketing. It has been a remarkable collaboration!

Hanna Hill

Award-winning Durham, England, UK Birth and Family Photographer capturing lifestyle images of parenthood and documentary birth photojournalism.

Precious 3 Birth Services


Jennifer Taylor Interior Design