Benefits of Making Your Website More Accessible

Many small business owners think of web accessibility as a complex set of technical rules and principles. For businesses with limited resources for web design and development, accessibility may appear to be an expensive add-on. Still, this is not the case. In reality, small businesses cannot afford to overlook accessibility. If your company conducts operations online, it is important to consider all users, including potential customers with disabilities. Otherwise, you will miss out on potential customers and revenue. It is time to shift our perspective and see web accessibility as a valuable opportunity for small businesses that want sustainable growth.

inclusive portraits of people with disabilities

What Is Web Accessibility?

Web accessibility involves crafting websites that are easily usable for as many people as possible. While we typically associate web accessibility with ensuring a smooth website experience for people with disabilities, it also benefits other groups such as those with limited internet access or who browse the web on mobile devices. Yes, minor inconveniences such as poorly designed fonts or slow page loading may affect everyone. However, they can pose significant challenges for people with disabilities to understand website content and take required actions. It is best to integrate accessibility into the web development and design procedures from scratch. However, if you have not thought of accessibility while designing your website, it is still possible to improve accessibility even at a later stage.

Benefits of Web Accessibility for Small Businesses Accessibility

brings tons of benefits to businesses of all sizes. Especially, small businesses can use web accessibility as an effective marketing tool to grow their audience and generate more leads.

More Customers

A Click-Away Pound Survey conducted in the UK has revealed that 71% of people with disabilities will abandon a website that is difficult for them to use. 16.1 million people are living with disabilities in the UK alone. Globally, the estimated number of people with disabilities exceeds 1 billion, making up approximately 16% of the total population. So, any small business needs to make sure that their website is accessible so as not to miss out on a large number of potential customers. This means making your website accessible is the best way to ensure the growth of your customer base and business revenue.


Once you make sure your website is accessible, you offer equal opportunities for everyone to access your information, regardless of any disabilities they may have. For example, by ensuring compatibility with screen readers, you can make the website experience seamless and user-friendly for people with visual impairments who may not have had access to your information otherwise.

The practice of web accessibility and avoidance of discrimination is both ethical and legal. Excluding anyone from your website due to any disability they may have could result in significant legal repercussions like lawsuits, fines, and so on.

Improved User Experience

Web accessibility results in improved user experience. Easy navigation, keyboard accessibility, and simple and clear language make your website more user-friendly and accessible.

Improved user experience helps to enhance overall customer satisfaction making them return to your website regularly.

Improved Brand Image and Reputation

Your company needs to create a positive brand image and reputation. In this regard, your treatment of people with disabilities is key. Taking action to improve your brand reputation can significantly improve your company’s position in the market. This positive image not only appeals to customers with disabilities but also attracts those who advocate for social justice. With the increasing emphasis on accessibility, committing to it is more important than ever before.

Greater Innovation

Web accessibility encourages innovation through inclusive design, technological advancements, and improved user interfaces. It also widens market potential and encourages cooperation among various stakeholders. By making accessibility a priority, your small business can create innovative solutions that improve the online experience for all.

Improved SEO and Higher Traffic

Adding accessibility features, such as alt tags, captions, and transcripts, can improve your search engine optimization (SEO) and drive more traffic to your website. Ensuring the accessibility of your website can boost your rankings on search engines and social media platforms, and increase visibility and engagement.

Higher Customer Retention Rates

Web accessibility improves user experience by ensuring websites are usable for all individuals, including those with disabilities. This boosts customer satisfaction and loyalty, resulting in increased retention rates.

Accessibility also expands your customer base to include users who may have otherwise been excluded.

Web Accessibility has become one of the key elements of growth for small businesses. Many businesses are legally required to make their websites accessible and inclusive. Accessibility reduces the risk of any lawsuits. Accessibility can also bring in a large customer base, boost your SEO rankings, increase user experience, reduce costs, and many more benefits to your small business. The earlier you begin optimizing your small business website for accessibility the higher your chances for success in the long run.

More on the benefits of accessibility for your small businesses by Be Accessible.

Guest Blog

Meet David

David started Be Accessible because of his passion for website accessibility and ADA compliance. He spent much of his career working for financial institutions creating websites and mobile applications. He earned his Master’s in Business Administration from Salve Regina University in Rhode Island. David is an advocate for creating web interfaces usable by all people. He enjoys recording music and playing soccer with friends.

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A letter from Hanna

I’m excited to introduce our guest blogger, David, who approached me to share more about inclusivity and accessibility in website design. While I know a bit about the topic, I thought getting insight from a professional would be incredibly helpful for my readers. As a mom of a child with additional needs, the pursuit of making the online world a more inclusive space for everyone, regardless of disability or additional needs, is something that’s near and dear to my heart. I hope you find David’s insights as valuable as I do!

Hanna Hill

Award-winning Durham, England, UK Birth and Family Photographer capturing lifestyle images of parenthood and documentary birth photojournalism.

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