The Birth of Maple

North East England Birth Photography

mother labors in water tub at home in County Durham England seen through door way in black and white

First Time Mom, Georgia, shares her Free birth story in her own words

A Fast-paced Unassisted homebirth surrounded in love

As a labor and delivery nurse, I see birth all the time, and I also see completely normal births be sabotaged by the system, by doctors, by midwives, and by nurses. I learned about unassisted birth, or free birth, when I was in nursing school, the more I learned about normal physiological birth and how birthing in the hospital can disrupt the hormonal cascade of birth, I knew with everything in me that I would NOT birth in the hospital, and that I would have a free birth at home.

man fills bucket with warm water during home birth in County Durham
dog sits on plastic sheet on bed at home birth
birth affirmation banner

I spent a couple years learning, listening to dozens (honestly probably hundreds) of birth stories, and educating my partner on what true undisturbed birth looked like.

When we conceived our baby, at first I was still totally set on free birth, but then some fears started creeping in and all the "what if's" came to the forefront of my mind. This is part of the intense work of pregnancy, and especially when having a wild pregnancy. I had planned on having no testing or ultrasounds. Working as an L&D nurse in the hospital while pregnant is hard enough, we see traumatic births, death, and emergencies (often caused by unnecessary intervention) all the time and it is hard to keep yourself removed from that, and since I was having a wild pregnancy I felt even more vulnerable to all that comes with that. I decided to try to find an underground midwife in my area, someone who was not licensed by the state and therefore didn't have anyone to answer to but herself and me. I found one who agreed with me on everything related to birthing in the system so I hired her. She never pressured me once on any tests or anything, and wasn't even phased when my blood pressure was high (it was always normal at home) and I was only measuring 34 weeks when I was 39 weeks.

I knew deep down that my baby was totally fine and that my body knew exactly what to do to bring them here safe and sound.

But I am so grateful she never worried me, because that could have changed everything and while I was still planning on freebirthing I decided to have her as a backup for support if I felt I needed it.

photo of canvas on fireplace mantle against green wall
mother labors in bathroom leaning from tub on to sink
dog portrait on green wall

My first contraction happened at 4am on the day after my 41st week of pregnancy.

It rocked me. I told myself I wasn’t going to time anything but when the waves were so strong and hard right off the bat I decided to time some. After about an hour of labor they were mostly 3 minutes apart and were so so hard already I couldn’t be still. I woke up my partner at 5 am and we started getting things ready. It was October and I had wanted to labor in front of a fire so my partner built me a fire while I drew a bath. I was pacing around the house trying to get comfortable but nothing was helping. I got in the tub to see if that helped any, I had my partner pour water on my belly during the waves, but it didn’t really offer any relief. I shortly got out of the tub and continued to pace the house, I labored on hands and knees by the fire for all of 5 minutes before I got too hot. Around 7 am I felt like things were really real but was still in denial because I just thought I would have a long labor. I threw up, which I knew was a sign of active labor, so I called my mom to start heading my way. I spent the next couple hours hiding away in my bathroom where it was dark and just braced myself for each wave holding onto the sink. Nothing I could do would help the pain at all.

My labor was so fast and hard but my nurse brain would not shut off and I kept having thoughts like “what if I’m only 2 cm” or “I’m a first time mom there’s no way this is already active labor” and “I truly don’t know if I can do this for 12+ more hours.”

I had called the birth photographer, Hanna and she arrived around 830, I was still in the bathroom while my partner was filling up the birth pool. I’m not a planner and the hose we had didn’t fit onto our sink so my partner spent the majority of my labor filling up the pool with pots of water from the sink,

would it be a home birth story without someone filling the pool with pots of water?

birth partner pours water into birthing tub while mother labors in water
husband pours two pots of water into water birth tub at home birth
list of partner jobs to prepare for home birth
mother labors in water at home birth

I was working so hard through each wave at this point and definitely was breathing deeply and making sounds. They were mostly 2 minutes apart now.

I remember how in tune with my body I felt during this time, when a wave would come I would instinctively lift my leg up and sort of squat into the contraction, it didn't help the pain but I suppose my body was doing this to help my baby engage and get into an optimal position. I had gone to the bathroom around 9 am and had some bloody show which was the first time I felt like, “ok I really am in labor” it’s so funny how you can be in such denial when you are CLEARLY in active labor! I got into the birth pool shortly after that, and honestly, it barely helped, probably because the water barely reached my belly! But I was there to stay, while my partner continued to add more water to the pool. I was being very vocal through the waves and just had to move my body with each one, I was still mostly laboring on hands and knees.

labouring mother sits up in green water tub alone
mother labours on hands and knees in water tube view through plastic  in black and white
mother labours on hands and knees in birthing tub at home in County Durham, England

My mom arrived at 930 and I had my eyes closed when she came in because I was riding a wave and started to really dive deeper into the portal of birth.

She grabbed my hands and I just remember her shaking and crying at the sight of me in so much pain.

She did not know how far along my labor was and I think she was in shock when she got there! She even had called my partner from the road saying she was stopping at the grocery store on the way! With each wave now I NEEDED to hold on to somebody or else I felt like the energy from the wave would literally take me out of my body and off this planet. They were so hard and so strong but I just held onto my partner's hands to ground me through it. Around 10 am at the end of the wave I felt my body pushing on its own towards the end of the wave. Since my nurse brain never shut off I was totally freaking out and saying things like

“I’m a first time mom it’s way too early for me to be pushing right now” because it had only been 6 hours since my first contraction!

mother sits with eyes closed in water tub during home birth labour in Northern England
mother comforts daughter while she works through contraction in birthing tub at home
Northumberland mother leans head back while in labour at home in blue birthing tub
mother looks on with love at daughter who is giving birth at home
mother lets out yell as she works through contractions during natural birth at home
mother labours in water with blurry face as she deals with contraction
close up of mother tightly holding hands with partner as she grunts through a contraction during home birth
birth partner kisses wife’s forehead while she breathes during natural labour at home
mother checks her own cervix during home birth in water
close up of hands , birth partner and mother working together through contractions at natural birth
close up of water sac protruding from the vagina before the baby’s head under water
view from above of mother yelling out in labour full body supported by partner
mother smiles while feeling baby’s head during natural labour at home

With each one my body was pushing more and more, I wasn’t fighting it but it was scaring me. I had my husband call a friend who suggested I have the midwife check me. She didn’t know I didn’t have a midwife there, we hung up and called my nurse friend who did know I was planning a free birth. She answered the phone during a wave and just heard me roaring. She got there maybe 10 minutes later.

I was definitely transitioning because I was freaking out

and asking her to check me even though I didn’t really want her to and she knew that. She suggested I check myself, I hadn’t done that yet because I was still scared I would only be 5 cm! I reached inside and immediately felt a bulging bag (what we call it in the nurse world) and her head right behind it! I felt so much more calm after that and was much more able to just follow my body’s lead. My partner also reached in and felt her head, it was so beautiful. With each wave now I was totally in tune with my body and my baby, we were working together to bring them earth side. At one point my baby was almost crowning, but I felt them totally move back up the birth canal, rotate and come back down, it was the wildest feeling but I had complete trust in them to know what they needed to do to come out safely. After that only a few more waves passed and their head was out! I don’t remember any pain with that at all, the body's ability to numb pain is truly amazing. The bag of water was still intact and I was just feeling their head and telling them I trusted them and I was following their lead. I felt an ear through the bag of water and was just blown away! The head was out for almost 2 whole minutes, which in a hospital birth would be considered an emergency, but I had the deepest sense of knowing that the baby was going to be perfectly ok, and I knew with the next contraction they would be out. With the next wave I pushed a little bit and sort of pulled them out, the body slipped out and I fumbled to get the sac off their face and out of the water, being the first one to touch my baby was extremely important to me and I'm so glad it happened that way. They cried right away and had perfect tone and it was the most amazing moment of my life!! I felt so fucking strong.

head crowning during home birth underwater
unassisted home birth baby guided out of birth canal underwater by mom’s hand only
mother guides baby head underwater at birth
free birth in water baby guided by mom alone
baby underwater moments before taking first breath after home water birth
shocked mother lifts baby to chest after water birth at home
mother holds newborn to chest after lifting her from water birth
mother looks down at newborn in arms seconds after giving birth in water alone

I waited a few minutes to check the sex, the baby looked absolutely nothing like I had expected, although I didn’t really know what I expected. When I finally looked and found out it was a girl I was OVERJOYED! I had really wanted a girl and was so happy my baby Maple had arrived completely safe and healthy on her own terms. Without any tests or ultrasounds my baby was 100% healthy and perfect.

emotional father cries out after newborn daughter is born while doula dog sniffs baby curiously over the edge of birthing tub
husband kisses mom after she gives birth to their first baby in water unassisted
first time parents laugh together in County durham home after giving birth unassisted
mother holds newborn in water after birth close up
new grandmother leans over birthing tub looking at newborn after home birth, puppy also leaning over to see baby while mom and partner sit on the other side of tub
mother begins breastfeeding in water tub moments after birthing unassisted
close up of new mom holding newborn against her chest in blue water tub at home birth in Northumberland
mother holds newborn against chest in birthing tub at home
friend and grandmother lean over edge of birthing tub at home birth
mother holds newly born baby in blue towel while sitting in birthing tub at home
looking down at mother holding freshly born baby in arms wrapped in towel in black and white
new dad laughs with joy while leaning on edge of birthing tub behind wife who has just given birth
new dad weeps into his arm after witnessing his baby be born at home unassisted in the water
new dad covers face with emotion after seeing his baby born at home
new father in glasses has an emotional moment after supporting his wife through an unassisted home birth
new father cries at the edge of the birthing tub at home birth
new dad wipes his tears with towel after the birth of his baby girl at home
close up of baby being held in towel against mom’s chest after water birth in County Durham
new family celebrate baby around water tub in front of home window
birth partner supports new mom while she holds newborn in water after birthing her unassisted
black and white close up of newborn feet in dark water
mother closes eyes holding newborn after birth in water
close up of mother holding newborn still connected to placenta in water after birth about to get out
mother begins to get out of water tub after birth
mother stands to get out of tub after birthing baby in water still holding newborn close
new grandmother hugs the new dad after birth at home in Northern England
empty birthing tub under the light of the window and banner of birth affirmations at home in Northumberland

My family and I spent the next few minutes just soaking up the moment and staring at this perfect little life we had created, just completely blown away by what I had just done. I started to get shaky and cold and could feel some after pains coming on so I decided to get out of the birth pool and go to the bed. Maple, Cord and I got into the bed and I pretty quickly started experiencing really intense cramps. I hadn't really expected that because they say the afterpains with your first baby aren't really bad but I honestly was in a lot of pain. I don't really remember how long I layed there for before I decided it was time to get the placenta out to stop the pains. I got up, still holding Maple and squatted over a bowl on the floor and the placenta just fell right out and I immediately felt better. I didn't seem to be bleeding very much at all but the nurse in me knew it was important to empty my bladder so I tried to pee but was unable. I wasn't worried at all because I felt better than ever, physically and emotionally. I got back in the bed and tried to work on latching Maple (I had probably tried to latch her 3 other times by now with no success). I never once did any fundal massages or tinctures to "manage" bleeding, I just had complete trust in the birth process and my body and knew that since I had a peaceful spontaneous birth I would be ok.

I ate some food and drank lots of water and decided we could cut the cord now. I had a sterile cord clamp in the home birth kit I bought online that we used and Cord just boiled some kitchen scissors in hot water and then he cut the cord. I inspected the placenta to make sure all the parts were there, it was a huge placenta with some calcifications and it was all intact. I was able to pee shortly after with no pain at all. I was in shock that I had literally zero pain in my yoni, even after all the adrenaline wore off I never once had any pain even days later. I never checked for tears because frankly I didn't care and since I had no pain I figured there wasn't anything major going in.

Our birth was beyond perfect, but our breastfeeding journey was a different story. I had tried to latch Maple many times on that first day with little success. When we did get a latch it was very painful and there was a ton of clicking. To make a very long story short, we saw 4 different lactation consultants. went to the chiropractor 3 times a week, saw a craniosacral therapist, a pediatric dentist and were exclusively pumping for the first 6.5 weeks. But in the end we finally got it figured out and are still breastfeeding almost 1 year later. Just like planning for an unassisted birth, learning to breastfeed took a ton of education, practice, and most of all dedication. It is a natural thing but it doesn't always come naturally.

close up of umbilical cord still attached to placenta laying on mother’s belly after birth
family surround mother on bed after birth including curious dog, mom attempts to breastfeeding to release placenta
mother works through after pains of birth in bed surrounded by family support at home birth UK
photographer can be seen in round mirror while family tend to birthing mother postpartum right out of frame
family member kisses doula dog on bed after birth
mother squats over metal bowl to release amniotic sac and prepare to release placenta
placenta releases and drops into metal bowl on floor at the foot of bed with help of friend
birthing mother sits on toilet postpartum trying to pee after the release of placenta still holding newborn skin to skin
close up of mother nursing newborn while sitting on toilet in with morning light streaming in through the window
toilet with postpartum blood beside green hose for home birth water tub
black and white image of mother holding newborn in arms supported by family
new father sits on bed smiling with excitement after birth
mother sits on bed with newborn on chest showing placenta in bowl connected to umbilical cord and stretch marks postpartum

To me, the beautiful thing about my story is how perfectly simple it all was.

My pregnancy was not over-diagnosed and over-medicalized, and because of that my birth was left alone to unfold the way it was supposed to. Our bodies know exactly what to do, so many of us have just forgotten.

northumberland mother sits with eyes closed against head board of bed and pillows holding newborn
black and white close up of placenta in metal bowl on bed beside new mom
new father holds sterile scissors preparing to cut umbilical cord and friend prepares cord clamps with mom
baby lays on mom chest while cord is prepared for cutting postpartum at home
close up of baby on mom chest while still connected to placenta through umbilical cord clamped
hands prepare umbilical cord for cutting while baby lays on mom’s chest at home birth
new parents cuddle together with newborn in bed after home birth in County Durham
close up of new adad and newborn looking at each other for first time after home birth
new parents kiss in bed after home birth in County Durham with mom breastfeeding newborn
birthing mother breastfeeds newborn after natural home birth while grandmother brings in toastie with banana for a small snack postpartum
mother looks up while sitting on bed breastfeeding baby
new mom shows newborn off to excited grandmother while sitting in bed after birthing at home
new dad wipes tears with tissue after baby is born at home
shirtless new dad lets out smile and cry while holding new baby for the first time after home birth in colorful room
new parents snuggles newborn shirtless after birth for skin to skin in black and white at home birth
Hanna Hill

Award-winning Durham, England, UK Birth and Family Photographer capturing lifestyle images of parenthood and documentary birth photojournalism.

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