5 Easy Tips to Grow Community & Engagement with your Instagram

instagram grid of 9 images of birth and family photography cropped into a circle

Five Simple Changes you can make today in your posting strategy

Changing the mindset around Social media into a balanced way to connect and build community.

I hear this ALL the time, “Instagram just isn’t for me” and I totally understand. It can feel really overwhelming to stay consistent, to write captions that mean something, or even just to share your art/knowledge in a confident and attractive way. I have been where you are, I have sat staring at my phone trying to summon words or something to say that could speak to someone. In the end I realized I was probably missing the point of my Instagram altogether.

So I put together my 5 basic tips that lead to more community, more engagement, and more life balance.

instagram grid of 9 images of motherhood photographer Hanna Hill Photography
  1. Schedule your Posts with intention and a pattern in mind

  • Take 30 minutes to 1 hour a week and schedule out your posts and captions. (as many as you can)

  • Use a secondary platform like Tailwind, Planoly, or Later to schedule them out.

  • Limit your thinking per post to 5-10 minutes top.

    This is a tough one for me too because I can be a serious overthinker but I promise you when I say, it’s more important to post often and consistently than it is to post something profound every single time.

grid of nine instagram images by Hanna hill photography

2. Interact with your followers and others in your community

Set aside 10-20 minutes to interact on IG right when you post

This is the part of IG that I know can feel overwhelming. But let it be organic comment on a few posts on your feed that inspire you. Think quality over quantity you don’t have to write 20 comments but instead write 3-5 that are actually authentic.

Doing this right around the time you post means you are more likely to get your new post on their radar since they are also posting around this time.

*** TIP: Respond to every comment you get no matter how basic

Responding to comments is about showing thankfulness to those who take the time to interact with your posts. It tells your followers that they are seen and a part of your community. 

Hanna Hill Photography | Grid of 9 favourite images | North East England Birth and Family Photography | Birth and Business Education

3. Tag, Hashtag & add a Location on every post!

This one is just basic good posting practice for growing your Instagram and getting seen in the right local areas. 

My typical approach is 10 hashtags (not always the same 10 usually 3-5 variations of hashtags that I save in my secondary scheduling app)

3-5 actual tags to big accounts like @birthphotogs or @birthbecomesyou, and/or anyone who is a part of the photo or quote. If you can tag the midwife, doula, or birthing person definitely do it!

Always add locations that are as specific as possible.

Hanna Hill Photography | Grid of 15 favorite images | North East England Birth and Family Photography | Birth and Business Education

4. Be yourself and Show your Face

This can really look a lot of different ways and can really be according to your own comfortability of sharing your family and self online. But in many ways being you and showing yourself vulnerably is the root of growing an actual community.

Take time to write out some of your interests that also intersect with birth work or your photography. Maybe it’s a life experience, something you felt about your own birth or in your own pregnancy, something you learned, or even simply what you love about your life right now. The parenting season you are in is a great way to connect with a large audience as well. From those, you’ll be able to write relatable and authentic captions to add to your posting pattern that makes you feel more relatable and a leader within your IG community. 

Hanna Hill Photography | Grid of 15 favorite images | North East England Birth and Family Photography | Birth and Business Education

5. Embrace new features!

I know this can feel like “extra” but asking questions on IG stories and being silly on Reels can really show a deeper side to who you are. Do you have to do these weekly…. NO! Not unless you want to! But taking time on your off-season to post a few to stay on your page can be a great way to add layers to who you are and how you care about your IG community.


Are you in need of social media support or for someone to just take over during a busy season? Reach out!

I offer a few different schedules to help fit a photographer or birth worker’s need or budget!


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Web Designer, Social Media Expert, Birth Keeper, Boy Mom, and lover of seeing other mama-owned businesses flourish and succeed!


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Hanna Hill

Award-winning Durham, England, UK Birth and Family Photographer capturing lifestyle images of parenthood and documentary birth photojournalism.


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