The 3 Best Marketing Strategy Pairings for Small Businesses


So maybe you’ve just gotten started with social media or growing your business. You think 🤔 I should start an Instagram and then you post some photos. And wait for all those clients to fall in love with them and call you up…

And then you wait and feel discouraged when that doesn’t happen.

That’s because posting on Social Media is not a marketing strategy. It’s at best a task you do within your strategy. A Social media marketing strategy usually requires a plan, a place to direct people, a consistent message, and thoughtful value adds that make people want to stick around. It’s also best when paired with other forms of marketing. Today I want to share with you 3 strategic marketing couples that when working together can make a huge difference in your business. They can turn posting on social media, creating thoughtful content, and connecting with people into something you have built and grown.

desk with laptop and coffee cup sitting during an afternoon work day

Instagram and Blogging

I hear a lot of grief about blogging but to be honest, if you are willing to spend hours sharing thoughtful words, content, and education on Instagram then you are probably wasting your time. With the way Instagram’s algorithm works now, it’s incredibly hard for your posts to be seen by your ideal audience. This isn’t to say Instagram isn’t important but it’s better to look at Instagram as either a secondary portfolio or networking space. Instagram can be incredible for building trust and nurturing followers into inquiring. But it isn’t a straight line from content to inquiry so it’s always best to have a place to direct your followers. That’s where blogging and Instagram become strategic marketing pair. As you build your community on Instagram by being yourself, engaging with others, and sharing your passion you want to direct those followers onto your website. You want them to come for the education, inspiration, or story and be met with your unique and perfect offer.

Blogging and Pinterest

Most people don’t know how to share their business on Pinterest. It can feel overwhelming but Pinterest has strategically claimed its position as Inspiration Central for the everyday person and the entrepreneur. With over 450 million monthly active users, Pinterest boasts a highly engaged audience. In fact, 89% of users report using Pinterest for purchase inspiration, making it an ideal platform for businesses looking to increase sales. By creating eye-catching pins that drive users to your website, you can tap into this engaged audience and attract new traffic. When paired with your essential blog knowledge, stories, and inspiration you can be directing so many new viewers to your website. After blogging take the time to share your blog over on Pinterest with unique pins (create them over on Canva) This will drive more organic traffic to your website, increase your ranking on Google, and open you up to new potential clients.

In-person Networking and Email Marketing

Where are my extroverts at? if you rely heavily on in-person marketing and connections you MUST have an email marketing plan in place. Whether you’re going to networking events, hosting them, or just someone who will talk to absolutely everyone about your business and what you do, you need a place to reconnect and gather those amazing connections. I think email marketing gets a bad rap for being super salesy and spammy but when done well it can actually be an opportunity to stay on the top of someone’s mind. What if every time you had an opening, special, or event you wanted to book out you were able to connect with a network of people who love you and are likely interested in the services you offer? That’s exactly what Email Marketing is and even if you don’t email that often it can still be away to guarantee you are sending what you have to offer to those in your network.

blue mountains at sunrise wide landscape view

Bonus Tip for your Marketing Strategy!

My favorite Throuple

Blogging-Instagram-Email Marketing

These are the three I love to use on a regular basis. I love to write my content on the blog, so I’m in control and can always return to it. I then love to share that content throughout my Instagram multiple times in unique ways. Lastly, I love growing an email community where I can treat them like my inner circle. Where I share secrets, wisdom, and opportunities. For me these three work in tandem better than any strategy I’ve tried before.

woman in red dress smiling at camera

Web Designer, Social Media Supporter, Content Creator, Photographer for the last 13 years, #Boy Mom, and lover of the self-employed lifestyle!

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Hanna Hill

Award-winning Durham, England, UK Birth and Family Photographer capturing lifestyle images of parenthood and documentary birth photojournalism.

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