Birth Story, Real Family Stories Hanna Hill Birth Story, Real Family Stories Hanna Hill

The Birth of Maple

The unassisted birth of Maple was told by first-time mother, Georgia. Free birth in the US is a growing option for mothers who want to take ownership of their births outside of the overly medicalized system. This story is written and shared by a Labor and Delivery nurse who chose home birth unassisted for her first baby and experienced a fast and healthy birth in water of her little girl.

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Breastfeeding, Birth Culture Hanna Hill Breastfeeding, Birth Culture Hanna Hill

Why We Need Black Breastfeeding Week

This article is a research article about the three leading reasons why we need Black Breastfeeding week and it’s important to talk about. August 25-31 is Black Breastfeeding week in the United States and in several countries around the world. It is an important week for bringing awareness, advocating, celebrating, and educating the world about the specific needs and barriers surrounding black mothers choosing to breastfeed in America.

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9 Tips for Writing Informative Birth Blogs

Nine helpful tips for writing about birth and parenting with your blog. Resource for birth workers who want to share their content, information and services through blog writing. Advice about content writing, SEO and designing an entertaining blog that encourages more people to read.

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Our Stories of Breastfeeding 2021

A series dedicated to celebrating the journeys of breastfeeding. Each story is told from the mother’s own words and the images are of the beautiful mom! Perspectives ranging from all over the world celebration of the diverse struggles that come along with choosing to breastfeed. Sharing and celebrating for #worldbreastfeedingweek2021 the highs and lows of baby feeding as a mother and family.

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